Heads up, parents! concussions can be serious

If you have a child who plays sports, it’s likely you’ve heard others discussing the risk of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) or concussions. Kids do get injured playing sports which is why it’s always important to wear safety equipment such as a helmet or mouth guard when out on the field.
Unfortunately, even when a child take proper care in an effort to avoid getting hurt, a ball or bat to the head, a tackle or even colliding with another play can cause a serious head injury. Concussion is the most common type of head injury. When someone suffers a concussion, it is because they’ve suffered a blow to the head which causes the brain to shift back and forth within the skull.
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The concussion victim doesn’t always lose consciousness but there is usually some temporary function loss. Common symptoms of a concussion include headaches, inability to sleep or the desire to oversleep, dizziness, blurry vision, memory loss and more.
Not all concussions are as severe as others. Sometimes, a bump to the head can cause a mild concussion that clears up quickly. Other more severe blows to the head may have both immediate symptoms and latent ones that don’t show up for days or weeks after the injury is sustained. One thing is for sure, whether it’s a mild concussion or a severe TBI, you can’t “see it with the naked eye. A doctor must perform tests to diagnose and treat any head injury.
What to look for if you think your child might have a concussion:
If you see your child get hit on the head, or the injury is reported to you by the coach, take it seriously. Look for:
- Signs that the child seems confused – they may answer questions slowly or forget things they know such as the rules of the sport they play
- Walks around looking and acting dazed
- Acts uncharacteristically moody or is showing personality changes
- Moves around in a clumsy fashion or very slowly, especially if they are usually quick on their feet
- Needs to be reminded of things they know very well
- Loses consciousness, even for a very short period of time
If your child has suffered a blow to the head and reports any of the following symptoms, get them medical attention right away:
- Nausea or vomiting
- Headache
- Dizziness or balance trouble
- Blurry or double vision
- Sensivitity to light or noise
- Feeling like they are in a “fog
- Having concentration or memory problems
- Confusion
A younger child may not be able to put their symptoms into words. They may just complain of “not feeling right. An older child may try to “act tough and not let you know their symptoms are as bad as they are. It’s your job to stay alert and keep an eye on anyone who has suffered a head injury. Get them to the ER right away. Better safe than sorry!
If your child’s concussion was caused by something other than a freak accident, you may be able to hold the other party responsible for the injuries sustained in the accident. Contact Team Law today so one of our experienced personal injury lawyers can review what happened and help you determine if you have a case. If you do, we will fight for maximum compensation for your family.