New Jersey Sexual Harassment Lawyers

Workplace Sexual Harassment Attorneys in Clark, NJ Fighting for Justice in Harassment Cases in Essex County, Hudson County, Middlesex County, Union County, and Throughout NJ

In workplaces throughout New Jersey, sexual harassment is an unfortunate reality. The New Jersey sexual harassment lawyers at Team Law know that this behavior is so much more than a nuisance. Sexual harassment can inflict significant harm on an employee, affecting both their professional performance and mental health, and it is inexcusable. 

You can hold employers accountable for all forms of sexual harassment. Team Law can help. To get started with a free, confidential consultation, contact us today. 

Workplace Sexual Harassment Under NJ Law

Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination that violates employee rights. State law in New Jersey recognizes two types of sexual harassment: quid pro quo and hostile work environment. 

Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment in NJ Workplaces 

Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when your employer’s actions toward you are conditioned based on your responses to sexual advances or demands for sexual favors. 

Often, this occurs when an employer threatens to implement some type of negative consequence against you if you do not give in to his or her sexual demands. Examples of such consequences may include: 

Under state law, quid pro quo sexual harassment may also occur if a benefit, such as a raise or promotion, is contingent on you accepting sexual advances or giving in to demands for sexual favors. 

Hostile Work Environments in New Jersey 

Quid pro quo harassment involves direct sexual demands, but employees may also suffer significant harm due to a more indirect type of harassment known as a hostile work environment. A work environment can be characterized as hostile when the employee is consistently exposed to lewd and unwelcome behavior on a day-to-day basis.

Examples of Sexual Harassment Conduct Under NJ Law 

You know that you find the conduct you have been subjected to inappropriate. It has made you feel uncomfortable and potentially even unsafe. What you may not be sure of is whether it constitutes sexual harassment under New Jersey law. 

Examples of sexual harassment in the office include (but are not limited to) the following:

Denigrating remarks, both sexual and non-sexual, can be considered illegal if they occur because of your sex or gender. 

If these actions, based on your sex or gender, create a hostile work environment, you may have a sexual harassment claim.

Your Employer’s Responsibilities in Matters of Workplace Sexual Harassment 

In some cases, the perpetrator of harassment is an authority figure in the company, such as a supervisor or manager. In other instances, it may be a coworker who doesn’t have particular authority over you. 

Even if it is not a high-ranking representative of the company perpetrating the behavior, your employer has responsibilities to you. It is also the employer’s legal obligation to prevent any type of sexual harassment from taking place in the workplace. 

If an employer is made aware that an employee feels a colleague is harassing them, the employer must investigate the allegations and take the necessary steps to end the harassment. Failure to do so could constitute grounds for a sexual harassment claim against your employer. 

If the harassment is severe or pervasive, your New Jersey sexual harassment lawyers

 can help you hold your employer accountable for damages such as emotional distress.

How Team Law Can Help Victims of Harassment in the Workplace

Nobody should have to suffer the debilitating effects of sexual harassment or discrimination. Team Law’s workplace sexual harassment attorneys in Clark, NJ, have extensive experience cracking down on harassment in the workplace.

We assist victims of harassment through an approach that encompasses: 

Through this approach, we have accomplished a record of success in proving sexual harassment and securing maximum compensation for the harm workers suffered due to harassment in the workplace.

Why Choose Team Law as Your New Jersey Sexual Harassment Lawyers

Sexual harassment lawsuits are sensitive matters. You need an attorney you can trust to protect your interests, preserve your legal rights, and support you through the challenges of the legal process. Workers throughout New Jersey turn to Team Law because of our experience, compassionate service, and offer of a free, no-obligation case review. 

Decades of Experience

The New Jersey employment law attorneys at Team Law have been protecting employees from abusive and illegal treatment in the workplace for over six decades. We have plenty of experience to draw from as we develop strategies to secure maximum compensation for your sexual harassment claim. 

A Compassionate Approach to Workplace Harassment Claims

When you have been the victim of sexual harassment, it is essential to find a compassionate, knowledgeable employment law attorney right away. You need someone who will take seriously the conduct you have been subjected to and its impact on your professional and personal life. Team Law knows how severely sexual harassment affects victims, and we’re committed to getting you full accountability and compensation. 

Free, Confidential Consultations

Being subjected to sexual harassment in the workplace has caused you considerable losses, so it’s no wonder victims often hesitate to seek legal assistance due to concerns about the cost of hiring a lawyer. 

Team Law is prepared to review your case at no cost so you can understand your legal rights, options, and potential for recovery. We want every worker who has suffered sexual harassment on the job to have the opportunity to explore their legal options. 

Contact the New Jersey Sexual Harassment Lawyers at Team Law Today for a Free Case Evaluation

You will need an experienced lawyer to guide you through the process of filing your sexual harassment claim and fight for justice on your behalf. 

For help from workplace sexual harassment attorneys in Clark, NJ, contact Team Law online or call us today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Workplace Sexual Harassment Claims in New Jersey

What is sexual harassment in the workplace? 

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a form of discrimination based on a person’s sex or gender. Sexual harassment encompasses all types of harassment, including verbal, physical, and visual harassment. 
An employer or coworker doesn’t have to physically touch you or demand sexual favors from you for their conduct to constitute harassment. Sexual comments, discriminatory jokes, and displays of sexually explicit materials may also constitute harassment.
You don’t have to put up with sexual harassment in the workplace. If your employer refuses to intervene effectively, you may have grounds for legal action and potentially for financial compensation. 

How do you handle sexual harassment in the workplace?

In any situation in which a worker feels their physical safety is threatened, they need to immediately get to a safe place to protect themselves. 
If you are being sexually harassed in the workplace but do not believe your physical safety is at risk, your first step should be to document the harassment. Write down all instances of harassment. Include in your notes the date, time, and location of the harassment, as well as what occurred and whether anyone witnessed the incident. Retain copies of any harassing emails, written notes, or voicemails. 
Ideally, reporting the harassment to your supervisor, your employer’s human resources department, or another authority figure within the company will resolve the problem. The documentation you have compiled can serve as evidence for any review or investigation your employer conducts. 
Unfortunately, sexual harassment often persists even after the victim has reported it. In some instances, the employer simply fails to take the matter seriously. In other cases, the employer may side with the person harassing you, especially if they are an authority figure. Employers may attempt to cover up the perpetrator’s conduct or even retaliate against you for reporting it. 
Often, it’s when an employer has proven unable or unwilling to sufficiently address the harassment that a victim begins to seek legal assistance. Team Law’s workplace sexual harassment attorneys in Clark, NJ, are here to listen to your story and help you hold employers accountable for engaging in or fostering an environment that enables sexual harassment. 

How do you prove sexual harassment in the workplace? 

Many employees who have been harassed in the workplace fear that they won’t be able to prove the harassment. When you hire experienced New Jersey sexual harassment lawyers, proving the inappropriate conduct took place—and establishing that it qualifies as sexual harassment under the law—is part of the work we undertake for you. 
We use your documentation, including copies of any reports you filed with your employer, as a starting place for our investigation. This investigation may include, among other fact-gathering actions, identifying and interviewing coworkers who witnessed and could corroborate your account. 

What are the outcomes of a sexual harassment lawsuit? 

In a lawsuit, our New Jersey sexual harassment lawyers can seek compensation to make you financially whole. This compensation may include:

-Up to two years of back pay
-Front pay wage loss damages if you are unable to return to the same job as a result of the harassment
-Pain and suffering
-Compensatory damages for any related therapy, medical care, or career counseling services 
-In some instances, punitive damages meant to punish an employer for particularly egregious conduct are awarded. 

As your workplace sexual harassment attorneys in Clark, NJ, our priority is to secure you the maximum amount of compensation for your stress and suffering. We ensure all of your damages are considered in settlement negotiations or presented at a trial. 

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