New Jersey Injury Lawyers for Crane Operators

Crane Operator Injury Attorneys in Clark, NJ Advocating for Workplace Injury Claims in Essex County, Hudson County, Middlesex County, Union County, and Throughout NJ

Operating cranes and forklifts on docks and onboard ships isn’t without its risks. When maritime accidents on the job lead to serious harm, Team Law’s New Jersey injury lawyers for crane operators offer the reassurance only professional legal representation can provide. 

Approach your claim with the confidence that our attorneys will advocate for the full benefits you’re entitled to. Contact us today to get started with a free consultation. 

Maritime Crane Operator Injuries in New Jersey 

Among the 15,670 maritime industry workers the American Maritime Partnership reported as working in New Jersey are forklift and crane operators whose work is essential to loading and unloading vessels. 

The types of cranes and forklifts commonly used in maritime operations include: 

While some types of cranes and forklifts are more complicated to operate than others, operating any type of heavy machinery comes with risks. 

Safety Hazards in the Maritime Crane Operator Occupation

For these hardworking employees, potential safety hazards are everywhere. Examples of the types of accidents our crane operator injury attorneys in Clark, NJ, can assist you with include: 

No matter how your crane operator injury occurred, if you’re an employee covered under federal work injury law, you can recover benefits that include medical expenses and compensation for disability. Team Law’s New Jersey injury lawyers for crane operators can help. 

Compensation for Injured Crane Operators Under Federal Law 

The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) establishes rights to benefits for harbor workers of all kinds nationwide. Under this law, injured crane operators in the maritime industry can access benefits such as: 

Workers covered under the LHWCA have certain rights, such as the right to choose their initial treating physician. They also have protections, such as being reinstated and paid back wages if their employer fires them for pursuing a claim. 

However, injured crane operators also have obligations they must meet to claim benefits, such as filing the appropriate forms, meeting established deadlines, and documenting that their accident was work-related and the severity of their injury. To help them meet these obligations, injured workers often turn to Team Law’s crane operator injury attorneys in Clark, NJ. 

How Team Law Can Help Injured Crane Operators

Getting the full benefits you’re entitled to after a maritime work injury requires extensive knowledge of the LHWCA and the painstaking work of meticulously documenting every aspect of the case. A haphazard approach to seeking compensation won’t cut it. Team Law takes a thorough approach, guided by decades of experience advocating for the rights of the injured, to build strong cases for injured crane operators. 

As your attorneys, here’s what we will do for you: 

As your New Jersey injury lawyers for crane operators, you can count on us to answer your questions and guide you through the claims process so you’ll be prepared for whatever path forward your LHWCA claim takes. 

Why Choose Team Law as Your Crane Operator Injury Attorneys in Clark, NJ

Our New Jersey injury lawyers for crane operators are the clear choice for your maritime work injury matter. Clients turn to us because we bring to each case plenty of experience, the benefits of a collaborative team, proven dedication to achieving the outcome you deserve, and legal assistance every injured worker can afford. 

Decades of Experience 

Team Law has been in legal practice for more than 60 years. We have the experience needed to guide your LHWCA claim toward an outcome that benefits you. 

A Team of Qualified Attorneys 

Crane operator injury cases under the LHWCA are multifaceted, so having the multiple perspectives of a complete legal team on your side is advantageous. We’re prepared to assist you with complex claims for benefits. 

Commitment to Results 

The benefits you receive following your work injury could affect your family’s future for years to come. At Team Law, we know getting the maximum benefits available to you is vital to finding a path forward during this challenging time. 

No Upfront Cost for Experienced Legal Help 

We’re ready to assist you with your LHWCA work injury claim at no upfront cost because nothing should stand in the way of securing the benefits you’re entitled to.

Contact New Jersey Injury Lawyers for Crane Operators at Team Law Today for a Free Case Evaluation

Injured maritime forklift and crane operators have enough to worry about. Let our experienced lawyers handle the claims process while you focus on healing. 

For help from crane operator injury attorneys in Clark, NJ, contact Team Law online or call us today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Crane Operator Injury Claims in New Jersey

What are common work injuries among maritime crane operators? 

Crane operators sustain a variety of serious injuries while working on vessels or piers, including: 

Broken bones 
Back injuries
-Crush injuries that can lead to limb loss
-Electrical injuries, including electrocution 
-Traumatic brain injuries and other head injuries
-Spinal cord injuries, potentially causing partial or complete paralysis

Understanding the nuances of each type of injury is essential for making sure you get the full benefits you deserve under the LHWCA. 

Can you sue for a maritime crane operator injury?

Generally, the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act is considered an exclusive remedy for work injury claims. This means that injured employees usually can’t sue their employer. There are certain exceptions, such as the employer intentionally (rather than negligently) causing them harm or if the employee is suing for negligence of a vessel and their employer is the owner of the ship. 
However, you may have grounds for a lawsuit against a third party whose negligence caused your accident. This may include contractors (but generally not co-workers employed by the same employer) and the manufacturers of defective products, such as malfunctioning machinery parts. Our knowledgeable New Jersey injury lawyers for crane operators can help you explore all of your options. 

How can injured crane operators in the maritime industry get benefits? 

Generally, non-seamen workers in the maritime industry are entitled to benefits under the federal Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act. To secure these benefits, workers must go through a claims process that includes formally notifying your employer and the federal Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs of your claim, documenting your injuries and their work-related causes, and filing a written claim for compensation. 
Complications are common in the LHWCA claims process, which is why having crane operator injury attorneys in Clark, NJ, is valuable for injured workers. 

What time limits apply to LHWCA claims for injured worker compensation? 

Injured maritime crane operators are generally required to formally report the injury to their employer and the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs in writing within 30 days. They usually need to file their written claims for compensation within one year. However, injured workers shouldn’t wait anywhere near this long to begin the claims process. 

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