
Car accidents involving aging adults

January 10, 2019

As we begin to age, we start losing the ability to physically and mentally complete tasks that seemed so simple at a younger age. Driving is an extremely complex activity that many older adults struggle with. Statistics consistently reveal that motor vehicle accidents involving older adults over the age of 65 are often just as dangerous as accidents involving an intoxicated driver. Statistics Regarding Older Adult Drivers and Accidents Experts estimated that about 14 million Americans were involved in car accidents with drivers who were 65 years or older in 2014. In 2015, there were an estimated…

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Liability issues in nj trucking accidents

December 20, 2018

Car collisions involving a large truck are often disastrous simply due to the truck’s much larger size and weight. On top of this concern, there may be multiple different parties which could have contributed to the occurrence of the truck accident, so it may be challenging to determine who is liable for injuries and damages caused by the incident. Trucking Accident Statistics in Trenton, NJ The standard truck is about 20 to 30 percent larger than the average vehicle, so when trucks collide with cars, injuries and damages may be severe. More than 330,000 trucks are involved in accidents…

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When a car accident in nj results in injuries and property damage

December 18, 2018

Recovering after a car accident can be physically, emotionally and financially draining. Thankfully, our legal system offers victims legal recourse when their accident was a result of another driver’s negligence. You could bring a lawsuit against the other driver to obtain damages and financial compensation. This can lead to you getting the money you lost out on due to your injuries. If you or a loved one has been in a car accident, you need an experienced New Jersey personal injury attorney to help you. Contact the offices of Team Law today for a free consultation into your…

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Common types of product liability claims in new jersey

November 29, 2018

A defective product can impact your health for the worse in almost any aspect of your life. From motor vehicles with shrapnel-spewing airbags to highly flammable children’s pajamas,  many everyday products are potentially harmful. When one of these defective products ends up causing you harm, it is important to know you have the right to pursue a legal action against the responsible parties. It is also helpful to understand the different types of product liability claims you can pursue.More often than not, a defective product will fall under one of the…

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Common causes of emergency room errors in new jersey

November 27, 2018

For serious medical emergencies, or even medical scares when you are unsure of what is happening, you can go to the emergency room for immediate care. However, even though the purpose of an emergency room is provide care when it is urgently needed,  it is not uncommon for patients to experience further injury or harm in an emergency room. Why Do ER Errors Happen in New Jersey? One major element leading to substandard care in emergency rooms is the emergence of Physician’s Assistants (PA’s).   As a cost cutting measure, many hospitals use…

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Delay in diagnosing blood clots

October 30, 2018

An ischemic (lacking blood flow) limb is a true medical emergency. Delay in treating a blood clot often results in amputation of fingers, toes, arms or legs. Once blood flow stops, there is a limited window of opportunity within which to restore the flow of blood. Left untreated, necrosis (death) of the body part lacking blood flow will usually occur within six to eight hours. One hour must be subtracted from the six to eight hour timeframe within which blood flow must be restored in order to allow for the unavoidable one hour delay caused by the “decision…

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Safety tips for driving at night in new jersey

October 9, 2018

With so many people on the road trying to get to work, school, or some other destination, driving during the day is pretty dangerous. And that danger only increases when you are driving at night. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), fatalities on the road happen at a rate three times higher at night than during the day. In fact, more than half of all driving deaths occur at night, even though only a quarter of all driving is done at that time. Those statistics are pretty staggering. The reality is that fatal…

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Appealing denied social security claims

September 13, 2018

Having a claim for Social Security benefits denied is stressful and upsetting. You’ve likely already suffered through some hard time because you cannot work due to an illness or injury and now the claim is denied. This can seriously affect your finances, especially if you are not yet cleared to return to work by the doctor. Time Limit for Appeals There is a time limit for appeals of denied Social Security claims. You are required to have your appeal filed within 60 days of the claim being denied. If you receive notice from the local…

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Getting fired during workers’ compensation leave in nj

September 4, 2018

Most people incorrectly assume that a Workers’ Compensation claim will shield an employee from any backlash from their company, but in many cases it is legally acceptable for an employer to terminate an employee while they are out of work and under the care of a company doctor. Getting Fired While on Workers’ Compensation Leave in New Jersey When you’ve been fired or laid off from work while receiving Workers’ Compensation temporary disability benefits, it’s important to understand the explicit reason you are being let go. In New Jersey, it is illegal for an…

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Causes and liability concerns after truck accident in nj

August 21, 2018

It’s almost inevitable to have to ride closely to semi-trucks at some point during a long trip on a highway. Large trucks often make drivers of smaller vehicles nervous because a collision with one can be catastrophic. Understanding the top causes of truck accidents and who is liable for accidents can help you feel more confident when dealing with these giants on the road. Top Causes of New Jersey Truck Accidents The leading causes of trucking accidents include driver error, poor maintenance on the truck, inclement weather, equipment failure and improperly loading the truck’s…

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